This Code of Ethics sets out our expectations on how our company’s employees or representatives will conduct business in accordance with the law, our policies, our values and our business-ethics principles.
We expect our customers, suppliers, vendors, contractors and partners to mirror and/or adapt ethics and compliance standards that are consistent with our values in all material respects.
This Code of Ethics automatically applies where everwise provides advisory and educational services.
At every level, experts providing services on behalf of everwise are expected to be honest, trustworthy, and straightforward in both personal and business dealings, in accordance with both the letter and the spirit of all applicable laws and regulations.
We will agree independently and in advance on the basis for our fees and expenses and will charge fees and expenses that we consider reasonable, legitimate, and commensurate with the services we deliver and the responsibility we accept.
We do not allow conflict of interest, or undue influence of others to override our objective professional or business judgments. Therefore, we check potential conflicts of interest before entering into new advisory services and we regularly monitor our client’s situation to make sure conflicts of interest are at all time avoided. We will not allow conflicts of interest which provide a competitive advantage to one client through our use of confidential information from another client who is a direct competitor without that competitor’s permission. We will immediately acknowledge any influences on our objectivity to our clients and will offer to withdraw from a consulting engagement when our objectivity or integrity may be impaired.
We are committed to delivering the highest quality services to the best of our ability to all our clients. We hold our experts accountable for this standard of quality. Internal processes are in place to ensure that we bring our best capabilities to every client mandate. We only accept engagements for which we consider we are qualified by our experience and competence. Staff and experts are assigned to client engagements in accordance with their experience, knowledge, and expertise. When necessary, we partner with external highly qualified experts and engage individual advisors to bring the best to our clients. Although everwise cannot be held responsible for third-party service providers, we do our utmost to only work with third-party providers that meet our own and our client’s highest expectations in terms of experience and competence. We also only engage external providers that share the same fundamental principles and values as everwise